maureen 25th March 2009

yeah, mum and dad are missing you big time. you know that. you are always at the front of their thoughts and we all try to keep their spirits up. they call your name even when they dont mean to. they always remember you with fond thoughts and take comfort from all the photos they have of you, which in every single one, you are always smiling. your legacy of genuine warmth and laughter will help them eventually, i pray. mum and dad are trying hard to cope with missing you, bless them. the pain will never go away but i pray they learn to take comfort from all the great memories from the day you were born to the day when the angels swooped down and lifted you up and away from us. no matter where you are, you will always be in our thoughts and in our hearts. much love comes to you from MUM AND DAD, Alvin. we love you heaps. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx