maureen 14th November 2009

Hiya the angels are smiling and celebrating this day with you, up there....I remember you and think of you every single day and today is not any different, Bro..although I am aching so much inside and wishing you were still here, I am smiling also because today its your birthday and I know for a fact that you would have rung me or I would have rung you..we would have chatted for nearly an hour on the phone as we always did and we would have laughed and joked around and talked of family and life in would have been making jokes and making me laugh as always. I miss you so much Alvin...I will never, ever forget you. Your memory constantly reminds me to live each day to the fullest and to always be truly thankful and grateful for all that I have. Life is truly so short and fragile, Bro. It sounds and feels weird to say it but Happy Birthday Bro...continue dancing and rejoicing with the angels..they are blessed to have you amongst you so much Bro...I also know that you were aware that we came to visit you on Sunday 1st November 2009..travelling so many miles to show you our love was no big deal in terms of getting there and back...I would travel to the ends of the earth to say hi and luv ya Bro..standing beside your last resting place...your presence was so tangible especially when there was mutual comforting between your 'boy', Jason, your 'diamond', Carla & your 'twinkling star', was surreal but comforting letting us know you knew we had arrived to pay our respects. Mum said she was so glad she came and she felt a certain peace of mind that she had managed to come..she was not ready prior to this visit but she felt ready on the 1st November to come and tell you how much she misses and loves you..Dad is still not ready yet to return but he will..he speaks of you every week and misses you terribly. I hope you like the plants I bought for you and left there for you. I pray that they will flourish and bloom and be resplendent in honour of your memory. I laugh to myself when I recall how every day and night for weeks you nudged or woke me and made your presence felt because you were telling me it was about time that I came back to visit you. I laugh because the day that I sat up on the sofa and said aloud that I was coming you were at peace. For real, Bro. I wont leave it for so long for the next visit, I promise. You know for sure that I will be back to visit and spend some time with you. Rest in peace Bro and know that I and everyone think and remember you daily, without doubt. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AND MISSED AND LOVED. Always. Once again, Happy Birthday Bro and love you so much. Your sister, Maureen..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx