maureen 25th July 2011

Thanx To All Those Who Came To Celebrate The Wonderful Life and Legacy of Alvin Alexander Worrell on Saturday July 23rd. THANK YOU to every1 who came to celebrate the life of my darling brother, Alvin, yesterday. It was a beautiful day and night [and morning] lol yesterday and today. So very proud of all those who contributed to the service. Thanks to: Rev. Owen for officiating and for all his support. Thanx to Cuz Angela for beautiful reading. Thanx to my sisters, Olive and Rose, for their beautiful speeches and to Vanessa for her profound words of love and wisdom. Thank u Bradley: fantastic speech. So very proud of you, as I know ur Grandad would have been too darling. Thanx to Alvin's Grandchildren for their speeches in the garden. You had to have made ur Grandad smile. Thanx to Jamahl for his moving piano piece which touched so many of our hearts and to Rosemary Humes for her heartfelt song in tribute to Alvin. Massive thanx to Tina, Robert, Becki and Donna. What can I say? Alvin would have been so proud and smiling down on all of you. Love to Carla and Jason. We missesd you both. Thanx to ET, Alton & Peter. As always, ur music made our night that more fantastic. Profound love and respects to you all. So much love, admiration and respects to my Mum and Dad. You both epitomise true love and dignity and strength. You say thanx to us and that u r proud of us all: I thank u both and feel proud to be your daughter. I feel honoured to feel amazed by you both. Love u both beyond words. Finally: thanx to ALVIN. Without ur legacy of love and respects and laughter, yesterday and last night would not have been possible. Love u Bro: forever and a day. R.I.P.and continue to smile and watch over us all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx