maureen 30th November 2010

Hi there darling Bro. So cousin John was laid to rest yesterday next to Uncle Jeffett and Paul. Exactly what he wanted too and Rose and I were saying this morning, that yesterday it felt like all our loved ones passed had attened cousin John's funeral too. How weird and wonderful eh? Felt each and every one of them there and especially you, Bro. Sensed you from the moment I woke up to the moment I returned home the next morning. In life you never left my side and you still doing the 'Big Brother' ting. Love you for it though and eternally grateful you still with me in spirit and loving support every time I really need your guidance and sense of love. Know you will be by my side again this evening and then especially on Friday 3rd December 2010 as we lay our darling Aunty Ruby Humes to rest too. You, Uncle Jeffett and Uncle Humes showing those that enter after you all the way home rite? I know you all are. Guiding them to peace of mind, soul and body. You always said that not even fresh air could ever come between us Bro and even now you keeping to your words as like I said before, I sense you around me and with me every step of the way. Love you and miss you so bad. Continue to rest in peace or as Jamahl would say: party up there in peace, Uncle. Love you Bro. Speak again very soon. xxxxxxxx