maureen 24th August 2010

Hiya Bro...August 2010 time flies...and yet seems to crawl along so slowly too. How you, Uncle, Keisha and Paul, doing up there? Hear the noise you all sure to be making and skinning teeth somehow...all of your presences are still vital and vibrant here...every single day and every single hour of every day. Lord...missing you all is so hard sometimes but I know we all gotta carry on, somehow. I have to keep reminding myself that if you were here, you would surely kick my butt and tell me to stop worrying and thinking too much and to chill. No matter where you are or where I am..I hold dear to me your words of unconditional love and reassurance. No matter what, Alvin...nothing and no-one can ever come between us, not even fresh air...not even death...I love you, Bro and miss you more each day...give my darling Keisha a huge hug and kiss from her Aunty for me. Love you both to the max and always, always in my thoughts and memories. Love you both. Rest in peace....Maureen....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx