maureen 25th March 2014

Another year without you and another year without hearing your voice, Bro. Each year I Pray that it will get easier and then just as I am thinking it is, POW!! it hits me all over again and I am just missing you so much. So many times I wish you were still here: times of laughter, joy, excitement, new memories made, and just any times at all, that I so wish you were here to share with me and all of us. Just not feeling right today as unable to come down to visit you today but I know you know the reasons why and that you also know Rose and I will be down soon. Real soon. I am here thinking of you and Fitzi up there creating havoc and noise! LOL! I can seriously imagine the two of you there together. Hugs and love and kisses to both of you. Love and miss you both so very much. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX